
Director / Writer / Editer

Born in 1978 in Japan, Morito Okumura worked as a journalist for a newspaper for eight years. He decided to become a filmmaker and moved to Tokyo when he was thirty-one. He studied filmmaking at The Film School of Tokyo while working for various productions shot on 16mm and 35 mm serving as a crew member. In 2012, his first feature film “Tsuki no shita made” was nominated to various film festivals, including SKIP City International D-Cinema Festival, and was released in theaters all over Japan in 2013-2014. Since 2016, he is an Adjunct Researcher at Institute for Journalism, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. From 2017, Okumura moved his basis to Austria, Europe to continue his creative activity. Lately, the film entitled “On Certainty 467 ” (Austria, 2018), which he joined as a Director of Photography, was screened in the Virginia Film Festival.

岡山県岡山市出身。高知新聞社で記者生活を送った後、2009年に退社し上京。映画美学校で映画制作の基礎を学ぶ傍ら、35ミリフィルム撮影の現場を経験。初監督作『月の下まで』(監督・脚本)がSKIPシティ国際Dシネマ映画祭などにノミネートされ、2013年から全国で劇場公開される。2016年から早稲田大学の招聘研究員としてドキュメンタリー作品を撮影。2017年に拠点をヨーロッパへ移し創作活動を続けている。Yahoo!Japanなどでショートドキュメンタリーを発表するほか、近年では撮影監督を担当した『On Certainty 467』(2018年、オーストリア)がVirginia Film Festivalで上映されている。2013年から高知県観光特使。